Enrol at Mel Maria

Thank you for considering Mel Maria Catholic Primary School for your child’s education. We understand that choosing a school for your child is one of the most important decisions you, as a parent, will ever make.  

Enrolment Process

All applications for enrolment will be accepted for assessment by our Principal. The acceptance of an application form does not guarantee an enrolment interview or subsequent offer of enrolment. If a place is available, you will be invited to attend an interview and school tour with the Principal or member of our Leadership Team.

Mel Maria Catholic Primary School will contact applicant families for interviews as per the following:

  • If you are applying for a Pre-Kindergarten / Kindergarten place, the school will contact you regarding an interview approximately 18 months before commencement.
  • If you are applying for Pre-primary to Year 6 positions, you will be contacted upon receipt of your application.

 Please note that the interview is for the ‘family’ and at least one parent and the child applying for a place must be present. An application fee of $55 per family is payable at this time.

Families will be asked to provide:

  • Completed Application Form
  • Birth Certificate
  • Australian Immunisation Register History Statement (Current)
  • Copy of Passport and Visa Information (if parents and/or child not born in Australia)
  • Copy of Baptism Certificate (if applicable)
  • Copy of Parish Priest Reference (if applicable)

**Please note that enrolments must comply with government immunisation requirements. More information about these requirements is available from the Healthy WA website.


Book A Tour

We invite you to take a tour of our campuses and see for yourself how Mel Maria Catholic Primary School is #MakingADifferenceEveryday. Click here to book a tour now.

Can’t make any of these tour dates?

Private tours may also be arranged by contacting our Enrolment Officer on (08) 6330 0500 or email enrolments@melmaria.wa.edu.au


Enrolment Documentation

For an application to be lodged, the following documents are to be completed and returned to either school office in person or by email to enrolments@melmaria.wa.edu.au:


For Your Information


Please direct all enrolment enquiries and applications to our Enrolment Officer on (08) 63300522 or enrolments@melmaria.wa.edu.au.