2024 Mel Maria Primary School Advisory Council

The School Advisory Council is established to plan for the present and future operation of the school to manage all finances associated with the school and to advise the Principal with respect to school policy that has any financial implications.

For the 2024 School Year the School Advisory members are:

Mr Paul Hille                                         Principal

Mr Anthony Chillino                            Chair

Fr Don Kettle                                        Parish Priest (St Joseph Pignatelli Parish)

Fr Joseph Lee.                                       Parish Priest (Pater Noster Parish)

Deacon John Reilly                              Deacon (Pater Noster Parish)

 Tanya Wood                                        Treasurer

Mrs Nicola Thompson                         SAC Member

Mrs Ros Nichols                                    Head of Campus Pignatelli

Mrs Joanne Scouler                              Head of Campus Pater Noster


School Advisory Terms of Reference - click here to view the document

More information can be found on the Catholic Education WA website