Confirmation at SJP

Confirmation at SJP

On the 15 May, we held our Confirmation ceremony at St Joseph Pignatelli Parish, it was a wonderful occasion filled with reverence, reflection, and the reaffirmation of their commitment to the Catholic faith.

Throughout their preparation, the students demonstrated extraordinary dedication and enthusiasm. With the support and encouragement of their teachers, parents, and the parish community, they embarked on a profound spiritual journey, enriching their understanding of the sacrament and its significance in their lives.

During the ceremony, each student was personally called forward by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe to receive the sacrament. They were accompanied by their sponsors who stood as beacons of support and guidance. The presence of the Holy Spirit filled the sanctuary as prayers were offered and blessings bestowed upon each candidate.

As they received the gifts of the Holy Spirit – wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord – these students embraced their newfound responsibilities with grace and humility.